Patient Participation Group
Friends of Ridgeway Surgery (Patient Participation Group)
Friends of Ridgeway Surgery (also known as a Patient Participation Group or PPG) are a group of patients who meet bi-monthly with the practice manager.
As a representative patient group, we ask for their views regarding on-going planning and decision making about the practice. The group allows patients to have a say about important issues such as opening times, or the quality of the care or service patients receive and we actively encourage more patients to join.
If you would further information please ask at reception. If you would like to join the group please complete our Patient Participation Group Registration form by clicking on the link on the image opposite.
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Virtual Patient Participation Group
Not able to make meetings but you would like to be involved through email?
We are aware that some patients may wish to contribute to such group but are not able, or do not wish to attend in person. Therefore we also have a ‘Virtual PPG’ and we encourage as many of our registered patients as possible to join this group.
The Virtual PPG is only contacted by email, we may, for example, contact you to gain your feedback regards our annual survey results or any other changes we are thinking of making at the surgery. If you are interested in joining our Virtual PPG please complete our Patient Participation Group Registration form.
We will be in touch shortly after we have received your form. No medical information or questions will be responded to.
Patient Group Minutes of Meeting, Reports and Surveys

Please read our PPG minutes below:
PPG Meeting Minutes - 07/01/2025
PPG Meeting Minutes - 05/11/2024
PPG Meeting Minutes - 01/10/2024
PPG Meeting Minutes - 02/07/2024
PPG Meeting Minutes - 07/05/2024
PPG Meeting Minutes - 09/04/2024
PPG Meeting Minutes - 05/03/2024
PPG Meeting Minutes - 07/11/2023
PPG Meeting Minutes - 05/09/2023
PPG Meeting Minutes - 11/07/2023
PPG Meeting Minutes - 30/05/2023
PPG Meeting Minutes – 18/04/2023
PPG Meeting Minutes – 17/01/2023
PPG Meeting Minutes – 01/11/2022
PPG Meeting Minutes – 06/09/2022
PPG Meeting Minutes – 12/07/2022
PPG Meeting Minutes – 17/05/2022